Produkte zum Begriff Usability:
Mobile Usability
How do we create a satisfactory user experience when limited to a small device? This new guide focuses on usability for mobile devices, primarily smartphones and touchphones, and covers such topics as developing a mobile strategy, designing for small screens, writing for mobile, usability comparisons, and looking toward the future. The book includes 228-full color illustrations to demonstrate the points.Based on expert reviews and international studies with participants ranging from students to early technology adopters and business people using websites on a variety of mobile devices, this guide offers a complete look at the landscape for a mobile world.Author Jakob Nielsen is considered one of the world's leading experts on Web usability. He is the author of numerous best-selling books, including Prioritizing Web Usability and the groundbreaking Designing Web Usability, which has sold more than 250,000 copies and has been translated in 22 languages.
Preis: 13.9 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Mobile Usability
How do we create a satisfactory user experience when limited to a small device? This new guide focuses on usability for mobile devices, primarily smartphones and touchphones, and covers such topics as developing a mobile strategy, designing for small screens, writing for mobile, usability comparisons, and looking toward the future. The book includes 228-full color illustrations to demonstrate the points.Based on expert reviews and international studies with participants ranging from students to early technology adopters and business people using websites on a variety of mobile devices, this guide offers a complete look at the landscape for a mobile world.Author Jakob Nielsen is considered one of the world's leading experts on Web usability. He is the author of numerous best-selling books, including Prioritizing Web Usability and the groundbreaking Designing Web Usability, which has sold more than 250,000 copies and has been translated in 22 languages.
Preis: 18.18 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Eyetracking Web Usability
Eyetracking Web Usability is based on one of the largest studies of eyetracking usability in existence. Best-selling author Jakob Nielsen and coauthor Kara Pernice used rigorous usability methodology and eyetracking technology to analyze 1.5 million instances where users look at Web sites to understand how the human eyes interact with design. Their findings will help designers, software developers, writers, editors, product managers, and advertisers understand what people see or don’t see, when they look, and why.With their comprehensive three-year study, the authors confirmed many known Web design conventions and the book provides additional insights on those standards. They also discovered important new user behaviors that are revealed here for the first time. Using compelling eye gaze plots and heat maps, Nielsen and Pernice guide the reader through hundreds of examples of eye movements, demonstrating why some designs work and others don’t. They also provide valuable advice for page layout, navigation menus, site elements, image selection, and advertising. This book is essential reading for anyone who is serious about doing business on the Web.
Preis: 36.37 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Prioritizing Web Usability
In 2000, Jakob Nielsen, the world’s leading expert on Web usability, published a book that changed how people think about the Web—Designing Web Usability (New Riders). Many applauded. A few jeered. But everyone listened. The best-selling usability guru is back and has revisited his classic guide, joined forces with Web usability consultant Hoa Loranger, and created an updated companion book that covers the essential changes to the Web and usability today. Prioritizing Web Usability is the guide for anyone who wants to take their Web site(s) to next level and make usability a priority! Through the authors’ wisdom, experience, and hundreds of real-world user tests and contemporary Web site critiques, you’ll learn about site design, user experience and usability testing, navigation and search capabilities, old guidelines and prioritizing usability issues, page design and layout, content design, and more!
Preis: 22.46 € | Versand*: 0 €
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen Usability und User Experience?
Usability bezieht sich auf die Benutzerfreundlichkeit eines Produkts oder einer Website und befasst sich mit der Frage, wie einfach und effizient ein Benutzer eine bestimmte Aufgabe erledigen kann. User Experience hingegen bezieht sich auf das Gesamterlebnis eines Benutzers bei der Interaktion mit einem Produkt oder einer Website, einschließlich seiner Emotionen, Eindrücke und Zufriedenheit. Während Usability sich auf die Funktionalität und Effizienz konzentriert, betrachtet User Experience das gesamte Erlebnis und die Zufriedenheit des Benutzers.
Wie findet ihr das Design und die Usability von macOS?
Als KI habe ich keine persönlichen Vorlieben, aber viele Benutzer schätzen das Design von macOS aufgrund seiner Ästhetik und Benutzerfreundlichkeit. Das Betriebssystem bietet eine klare und intuitive Benutzeroberfläche, die es Benutzern ermöglicht, einfach auf Funktionen und Anwendungen zuzugreifen. Die Integration von Gesten und Multitouch-Funktionen macht die Bedienung von macOS auch auf Touchpads und Trackpads sehr angenehm.
Was ist Content-Erstellung bei einer Social-Media-Marketing-Agentur?
Bei einer Social-Media-Marketing-Agentur beinhaltet die Content-Erstellung das Erstellen von ansprechenden und relevanten Inhalten für die Social-Media-Plattformen der Kunden. Dies kann die Erstellung von Texten, Bildern, Videos oder Grafiken umfassen, die darauf abzielen, die Zielgruppe zu erreichen und zu engagieren. Die Agentur muss sicherstellen, dass der erstellte Content den Markenrichtlinien entspricht und die gewünschte Botschaft effektiv vermittelt. Zudem ist es wichtig, den Content regelmäßig zu planen, zu erstellen und zu veröffentlichen, um eine konsistente Präsenz auf den Social-Media-Plattformen zu gewährleisten.
Wie kann die Usability einer Website verbessert werden, um die Benutzerfreundlichkeit zu erhöhen? Welche Maßnahmen können ergriffen werden, um die Usability einer Software zu optimieren?
Die Usability einer Website kann verbessert werden, indem man eine klare und intuitive Navigation, konsistente Designelemente und eine schnelle Ladezeit sicherstellt. Um die Usability einer Software zu optimieren, können Benutzerfeedback eingeholt, Benutzerfreundlichkeitstests durchgeführt und regelmäßige Updates zur Behebung von Fehlern und Verbesserung der Funktionalität durchgeführt werden. Es ist auch wichtig, die Bedürfnisse und das Verhalten der Benutzer zu berücksichtigen, um eine benutzerzentrierte Gestaltung zu gewährleisten.
Ähnliche Suchbegriffe für Usability:
Prioritizing Web Usability
In 2000, Jakob Nielsen, the world’s leading expert on Web usability, published a book that changed how people think about the Web—Designing Web Usability (New Riders). Many applauded. A few jeered. But everyone listened. The best-selling usability guru is back and has revisited his classic guide, joined forces with Web usability consultant Hoa Loranger, and created an updated companion book that covers the essential changes to the Web and usability today. Prioritizing Web Usability is the guide for anyone who wants to take their Web site(s) to next level and make usability a priority! Through the authors’ wisdom, experience, and hundreds of real-world user tests and contemporary Web site critiques, you’ll learn about site design, user experience and usability testing, navigation and search capabilities, old guidelines and prioritizing usability issues, page design and layout, content design, and more!
Preis: 40.65 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Eyetracking Web Usability
Eyetracking Web Usability is based on one of the largest studies of eyetracking usability in existence. Best-selling author Jakob Nielsen and coauthor Kara Pernice used rigorous usability methodology and eyetracking technology to analyze 1.5 million instances where users look at Web sites to understand how the human eyes interact with design. Their findings will help designers, software developers, writers, editors, product managers, and advertisers understand what people see or don’t see, when they look, and why.With their comprehensive three-year study, the authors confirmed many known Web design conventions and the book provides additional insights on those standards. They also discovered important new user behaviors that are revealed here for the first time. Using compelling eye gaze plots and heat maps, Nielsen and Pernice guide the reader through hundreds of examples of eye movements, demonstrating why some designs work and others don’t. They also provide valuable advice for page layout, navigation menus, site elements, image selection, and advertising. This book is essential reading for anyone who is serious about doing business on the Web.
Preis: 27.81 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Internet Marketing Start to Finish: Drive measurable, repeatable online sales with search marketing, usability, CRM, and analytics
Internet Marketing Start to Finish A breakthrough system for attracting more customers on the Internet Internet marketing is the fastest, most efficient way to attract profitable new customers—if you run it strategically and systematically. This book shows you how. You’ll discover how to integrate marketing, sales, and operations functions to work together far more effectively, capture the right real-time data for decision-making, and apply it to drive dramatic improvements in performance. Drawing on extensive in-the-trenches experience, the authors help you implement a more iterative, measurable, and repeatable approach to Internet marketing, deliver better-qualified leads, build an online sales engine to track and improve every customer relationship…and, above all, grow profits! You’ll Learn How To: • Craft flexible strategies that can quickly learn from experience • Eliminate "silos" that prevent effective measurement and execution • Overcome obstacles ranging from culture to processes to individual behavior • Build a powerful online sales engine to track customers through the entire relationship • Avoid dangerous data and weed out junk leads • Integrate web KPIs into business decision-making • Link web to lead to CRM analysis • Redefine messages to respond to your key audiences’ personas • Architect and design sites to improve user experience and conversion • Write highly findable content, and then make it even more visible • Start a feedback loop for continually optimizing both tactics and strategy • Globalize Internet marketing for diverse languages and cultures • Translate your performance into boardroom-ready reports CATHERINE JUON, Co-Founder & Catalyst of Pure Visibility, has worked in the Internet space for nearly 20 years. She has extensive experience helping companies develop integrated online marketing strategies that leverage online advertising, search engine marketing, and social media. DUNRIE ALLISON GREILING, Director of Happiness at Pure Visibility, works with analysts to derive actionable recommendations from complex web data and develop strategic Internet marketing plans. She has more than a decade of web content and project-management experience. CATHERINE BUERKLE has 18+ years of experience in usability design, web-based media, technical communication, project management, and marketing. She founded ArborComm, Inc., and co-founded the Digital Design Institute of Michigan. ISBN-13: 978-0-7897-4789-1 ISBN-10: 0-7897-4789-8
Preis: 13.9 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Internet Marketing Start to Finish: Drive measurable, repeatable online sales with search marketing, usability, CRM, and analytics
Internet Marketing Start to Finish A breakthrough system for attracting more customers on the Internet Internet marketing is the fastest, most efficient way to attract profitable new customers—if you run it strategically and systematically. This book shows you how. You’ll discover how to integrate marketing, sales, and operations functions to work together far more effectively, capture the right real-time data for decision-making, and apply it to drive dramatic improvements in performance. Drawing on extensive in-the-trenches experience, the authors help you implement a more iterative, measurable, and repeatable approach to Internet marketing, deliver better-qualified leads, build an online sales engine to track and improve every customer relationship…and, above all, grow profits! You’ll Learn How To: • Craft flexible strategies that can quickly learn from experience • Eliminate "silos" that prevent effective measurement and execution • Overcome obstacles ranging from culture to processes to individual behavior • Build a powerful online sales engine to track customers through the entire relationship • Avoid dangerous data and weed out junk leads • Integrate web KPIs into business decision-making • Link web to lead to CRM analysis • Redefine messages to respond to your key audiences’ personas • Architect and design sites to improve user experience and conversion • Write highly findable content, and then make it even more visible • Start a feedback loop for continually optimizing both tactics and strategy • Globalize Internet marketing for diverse languages and cultures • Translate your performance into boardroom-ready reports CATHERINE JUON, Co-Founder & Catalyst of Pure Visibility, has worked in the Internet space for nearly 20 years. She has extensive experience helping companies develop integrated online marketing strategies that leverage online advertising, search engine marketing, and social media. DUNRIE ALLISON GREILING, Director of Happiness at Pure Visibility, works with analysts to derive actionable recommendations from complex web data and develop strategic Internet marketing plans. She has more than a decade of web content and project-management experience. CATHERINE BUERKLE has 18+ years of experience in usability design, web-based media, technical communication, project management, and marketing. She founded ArborComm, Inc., and co-founded the Digital Design Institute of Michigan. ISBN-13: 978-0-7897-4789-1 ISBN-10: 0-7897-4789-8
Preis: 18.18 € | Versand*: 0 €
Wie kann die Usability einer Webseite oder einer Anwendung verbessert werden, um die Benutzerfreundlichkeit zu erhöhen? Was sind die effektivsten Methoden zur Optimierung der Usability?
Die Usability einer Webseite oder Anwendung kann verbessert werden, indem man eine klare und intuitive Navigation, konsistente Designelemente und eine einfache Sprache verwendet. Effektive Methoden zur Optimierung der Usability sind Benutzertests, Heatmaps zur Analyse des Nutzerverhaltens und regelmäßiges Feedback von Nutzern. Die Einbeziehung von Nutzern während des Entwicklungsprozesses und die kontinuierliche Verbesserung basierend auf deren Rückmeldungen sind ebenfalls wichtige Maßnahmen.
Wie können Benutzerinteraktionen die Usability einer Webseite oder einer Anwendung verbessern?
Benutzerinteraktionen können die Usability verbessern, indem sie die Navigation intuitiver gestalten, Feedback in Echtzeit bieten und die Benutzer bei der Erfüllung ihrer Ziele unterstützen. Durch die Einbindung von Interaktionen wie Hovereffekten, Drag-and-Drop-Funktionen oder personalisierten Empfehlungen können Benutzer eine angenehmere und effizientere Erfahrung auf der Webseite oder in der Anwendung haben. Die kontinuierliche Analyse des Nutzerverhaltens und das Einholen von Feedback ermöglichen es, die Interaktionen kontinuierlich zu optimieren und die Usability weiter zu verbessern.
Wie kann die Usability und User Experience eines Frontends optimiert werden?
Die Usability und User Experience eines Frontends können durch eine intuitive Benutzeroberfläche, klare Navigation und konsistente Designelemente verbessert werden. Durch regelmäßiges Testen mit echten Nutzern können Schwachstellen identifiziert und behoben werden. Ein ständiger Austausch mit den Nutzern und kontinuierliches Feedback sind entscheidend, um die Usability und User Experience kontinuierlich zu optimieren.
Wie kann die Usability einer Website oder einer Anwendung verbessert werden, um die Benutzerfreundlichkeit zu erhöhen? Welche Methoden und Strategien gibt es, um die Usability zu optimieren?
Die Usability einer Website oder Anwendung kann verbessert werden, indem man eine klare und intuitive Benutzeroberfläche gestaltet, die die Navigation erleichtert. Außerdem können Benutzerfeedback und Usability-Tests durchgeführt werden, um Schwachstellen zu identifizieren und zu beheben. Die Implementierung von responsivem Design und barrierefreien Funktionen kann ebenfalls dazu beitragen, die Benutzerfreundlichkeit zu erhöhen.
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